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Coloured pencil codes
Derwent Artist D(A)
LF 3-4 fair, 5-6 good, very good, 7-8 excellent
Derwent Artist D(D)
see above
Derwent Lightfast D (L)
1-2 highly lightfast
Prismacolor Pris
I= Excellent; II= Very good; III= Good; IV=Fair; V=Poor
Caran d'Ache Luminance C(L)
Lightfastness indicator LFI or LFII (standard ASTM D-6901)
Caran d'Ache Pablo C(P)
*** excellent
** good
Holbein HOL
***= absolutely permanent; ** = permanent; * = moderately durable; no star = not permanent
Faber Castell Polychromos FC
*** maximum fade resistance
** medium fade
* good fade
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