Creative Women of Hamilton

A series looking at the Creative Women of Hamilton

Carpenter Kelly Warne of Rock Paper Scissors Company at the Cotton Factory


A series looking at the Creative Women of Hamilton
Other people’s workspaces and their processes in doing what they love to do and do best have always fascinated me. Having a space set aside for what you love is so important. In fact, allowing yourself to create this space declares its importance to you. Sometimes that means squeezing it into a small space that is multi-purpose in a home. Or maybe it is in a lofty studio or workspace of your dreams. Whichever, it will be special to you as a creator and will say a lot about you and your work.
Since arriving in Hamilton two years ago I have noticed the sense of community and collaboration amongst creatives of all sorts in the city even though some of us, through the nature of our production, can feel isolated at times. For this reason, I want to celebrate the Creative Women of Hamilton and shine the spotlight on them and their talents, women who work tirelessly at their craft sometimes juggling many things at the same time. In many cases we still struggle to be heard in a male-dominated society, making the female narrative ever that much more important to be seen and heard. I also wanted to find out their needs, how their practice in this city works for them, and explore what the word creative actually means and how this includes those who support the arts or the creative industry.